Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Future of Old Media

I will be concentrating on The Future of Old Media.

When I first attended college, we were in the middle of a huge transition into a digital world. As a Television major, we were discussing new standards for broadcasting and recording HDTV. Cut to about 6 years later of freelancing and tending bar and the standards have already been implemented. My original thought was "I have become outdated I haven't reach 30 yet" like I thought Old Media was.

Yet, we still read newspapers, hear radio programming or watch the news. These mediums have found ways to not only "stay alive" but are flourishing in this age of digital.


  1. I find it very interesting as we we still read newspapers, hear radio programming or watch the news but I always get my news now through social media and the internet.

  2. So many companies have had to move to digital print vs. actual print due to the lack of people purchasing their papers. Good news for our trees!
